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definicion de un niño

 The nature of human growth

definicion de un niño

The human body is formed in different stages with a clear contrast, in which its physical, mental, psychological and behavioural upbringing differs, and above all these fundamental differences is its steady physical and physical growth, starting from its first embryonic stages until the age of scientists reaches the age of the study of the patterns that are widely studied and the types of changes that are widely studied.

 The human being during the stages of his growth and the attendant characteristics that characterize each stage of his life, in addition to the change in the needs and requirements of the individual and the effects and influence of the surrounding environment on him. The difficulties and problems that accompany these stages related to the education of individuals, their upbringing, their preparations and their motives during their passing through these stages

Scholars differ in dividing the stages of human growth and the limits of those stages, and some agree that the division begins with the stage of fertilization and the formation of the fetus, and then ends with those stages of old age, and between that, there are different divisions. [2] The stages of human development can be summarized as follows:

  • Fetal stage: It begins with pregnancy until birth.
  • The first stage of childhood: This stage begins with the birth of the fetus and continues until the seventh year of its life.
  • The second childhood stage: It begins with the end of the first childhood at the age of seven and continues until the twelfth year of the child's life.
  • The stage of adolescence and adulthood: its limits begin at the thirteenth year of an individual's life and continue to the twenty-first year of his life.
  • The stage of adulthood: the individual reaches it if he reaches the twenty-first year of his life.

definition of a child

The concept of the child refers to various meanings and signs that most often describe a period of time in a person’s life. Dictionaries, dictionaries, and international organizations offer specific definitions, all of which are characterized by certain characteristics that are consistent with the mission of the organization or entity that defines the concept of the child, including:

Defining a child's language

A child with the breaking of the ta’ and the sukoon of the fa, a singular word plural children, which is the part of a thing, and the newborn is as long as it is soft without puberty, and the child is the first thing, and the child is the first of the life of the newborn until its puberty, and it is called for both males and females. [4]

Defining a child

As for the concept of the child in the terminology, it is based on the first age stage of human life that begins with birth, and the verses of the Noble Qur’an have expressed this stage to put a special concept of the meaning of the child, which is as stated in the Almighty’s saying: ( Then We shall bring you forth as a child) [5]. This early stage of human life depends almost entirely on the surrounding environment, such as parents and siblings, and this condition continues until adulthood. [6]

The child in the Oxford Dictionary

The term child, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is used to refer to a newborn human child until it reaches the age of majority, and this applies to both males and females, and the stage in which the child lives is called infancy. [7]

Longman dictionary definition

Longman dictionary defines a child as a young individual who has not yet reached puberty, and the dictionary defines the beginning of childhood from birth to adulthood. [8]

Child definition in psychology

Psychology presents new concepts related to the definition of the child, as it depends in its definition of the child on the study of the changing interactions in the behaviour and minds of children within the developmental stage that the fetus goes through during its development before birth and as an extension of the adolescence stage. This is from emotional and social behaviours and developments. [9]

Psychologists define a child as a fully-fledged human being who has not yet reached the stage of maturity, and has not shown signs of puberty, no matter how mental, behavioural and emotional capabilities and characteristics that an individual possesses. Psychologists describe a child’s puberty in one of two cases: [10]

  1. The emergence of psychological signs and tendencies in the male, and the emergence of signs of puberty, such as dreams and ejaculation.
  2. The emergence of signs and physical and mood changes in the female, and her menstruation for the first time.

Defining the child in sociology

Sociologists differed in their definition of the concept of the child and determining its nature, and several trends emerged in that, including: [11]

  • The first direction: The concept of the child is applied to man from the moment of his first birth until he reaches adulthood, and the age of majority determines the system of the state, society and the law in each country independently.
  • The second trend: the concept of the child is defined as a newborn human being within the first age stage until he reaches twelve years of age, regardless of his puberty, the legislation followed in his country, the laws, regulations, and agreements.
  • The third trend: The child is described as the newborn from the moment of his birth until his puberty, with a distinction between adulthood and puberty.

Biological and educational identification of the child

A child is defined biologically as an individual who is in the process of maturation, starting from the early stages of infancy until adulthood. [10]


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